A Blank Page
A photo of me walking along the Mediterranean Sea in Caesarea, Jan 2020
It’s wonderful to begin with a blank page.
Let’s set the mood, it’s 8 PM, two candles are lit, and I have a fan running in the background as white noise for my sleeping baby just a few feet away. Michael and I recently relocated from the Middle East to Central America. Desert to rainforest. It feels as extreme as it sounds.
We are six months in and somehow managed to find a home for rent, purchase a car, have a baby, and travel to the States, twice, for our newborn’s clubfoot treatment. Five casts and boots and a bar. Toss in a budding 2-year-old and failed attempts at potty training (still working on it) and time is no longer relative.
We moved so that I could write. It’s been a thought for some years to dedicate more time to the craft. In a sense, I spent hours writing at my former job as an analyst for a humanitarian organization. Yet there is a story that I find much more compelling to share with the world, and it is the life story of my good friend, Marigold. I will be sharing more on that in due time.
Long story short, work visas involved, we had to pick up, leave Jordan and choose a new home base. So here we are, in a small coffee town on the mountainside in Costa Rica.
Our girls, two and four months, wake up at exactly 5 AM every morning, just as the sun rises. Rather than fight it, this week is my first attempt to embrace it. If the girls wake up with the sun than they also must go to sleep when it leaves at 6:30 PM. What those few extra hours afford me, is this new domain.
I chose to name the blog space “Journeys In The Deep” because a life of faith is kind of wild like that. It’s a journey of reckless abandon, complete with tossing and turning of waves, and full of wonder. Somedays there are storms that seem like they will never end, and on occasion there is absolute calm.
What to expect on this blog? Truth be told, not sure how this will unfold. September begins by unpacking much of the journey we have had thus far. What went well in transition and what was just painful? How is life with two girls under two? How did we end up here anyways? Then slowly, over time, I hope to incorporate stories of inspiring people through a podcast series.
So let the ponderings begin – welcome to Journeys in the Deep.